Sunday, January 15, 2012

Our Arrival!

We're on the Eco Taxi from Lungi Airport to Freetown.  

President and Sister Roggia and Elder and Sister Randall were at Government Wharf to meet us.  Sister Roggia took these pictures of our arrival from Ghana.

Elder Schlehuber disembarking onto the floating dock.

 Sister Schlehuber disembarking...just a little wobbly on that dock! 

And up the steep stairs...

... to the top.

We're here!
It was a long but good trip, and we are excited to be here!  A great extra was that we were able to go to the temple in Accra Ghana.

1 comment:

  1. You both look well and I can pick Cameron out a mile away due to the hat. Getting there was the first big task - good luck getting settled. Linda and Gil
